Manifesting my dreams with Boss Babes!

You know I can’t take mirror selfies. I laugh the entire time if I try, and I legitimately cannot take a “butt selfie” like, at all. I see you hot girls showing your booty gains...I have neither a booty or gains. Lol No judgement! It’s just not my thing and I suck at it. 

You ask me for photos of my wellness/fitness journey, who I’m working with, what I think of the services and that will be a huge element of my new website & brand. 

I’ll admit I’ve really slacked on posts in that area.  I’ve lost weight, toning up but I’m far from where I want to be in terms of fitness, wellness, or accomplishments in this area! That will be a long journey. 🏼

You’re going to start seeing some really awesome collabs, fun, events, more connections, you joining me as I make these changes and try to complete these amazing Women I’m working with’s programs....🏼‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀️🏼‍♀️

I’ve surrounded myself with amazing ambitious and talented women this past 5 morning months to get healthy inside and out. These women (friends now) really changed my mindset & there is so much I want to try and show you!! So much to learn! I’m so grateful for them: @drashleymargeson @mariah.designs

@dr.jilliancole @iammeghanmartin @hairbycatherineb @bedfordacupuncture 

I have a years worth of ideas/ collaborations/partnerships coming that will coincide with my new websites & rebrand Launch!! Eek🏼

It’s been a year of research, 1000s of hours, reading, visiting, meeting with owners, creators, businesses of all kinds, in many cities....transferring that into a kick ass website is a hard thing to do! I’m sure anyone who has rebranded can feel @mariah.designs & my pain! 

I can’t wait to show you all the work put into this new venture. @maritimemommy ✖️@femmesocialclub 

We’re working on things Halifax has never seen before!🤯 New plans, fresh ideas, new events and ways to connect, learning new techniques to love your body & mind & soul, while also learning about business & social media/marketing in new ways: Dedicated To live your best life. Eek! #rebrand #newbiz