We are Unique!

Does anyone else feel like the number of bloggers, influencers has like quadrupled in the last 2 months!?! It can be daunting to continue with so much saturation, yet I think we all have something to offer. There is room for everyone! The key is to not compare...which is crazy difficult to do! So if you feel overwhelmed with the number of bloggers, Influencers, style influencers, travel bloggers etc at times like I do, remind yourself, you’re unique gift is that no one else is you! Thank you to everyone who’s helped me learn, grow, be inspired or collaborated with me, it means a lot! Xo, Misty ️


My goal is to gather the next generation of Women, Creatives, Fempreneurs, Entrepreneurs and Bosses to discuss stopping the competition between women, how to come together, how we are better together and come up with ways for all of us to come together and build each other up. Im I treated in those that are passionate about from building your business, to raising money, all the topics for modern working women. 



My goal is by joining together in this platform/space you will meet other talented, like-minded women, all while learning tips and tricks from some of the best in the business. I’m working on impactful programs, workshops, mentor sessions, and panels, as well as delicious cocktails, fun events, great food, pop-up shops, photo booths, gift bags, and more. 



I would love you to feel inspired, enhance your business, mix, mingle and cultivate new friendships, partnerships  in a beautiful collective of like minded ambitious peers.