The importance of getting your kids outside!

So many studies have shown how important it is to get your children outside and encourage exploring. I see that affirmed with my children.

It's hard sometimes to get my tired butt to take my 3 kiddos to the park, a walk beside the ocean, to catch frogs. I do notice though when I make this effort to get them to the parks, to play the games, to walk by the ocean, to explore the forts and rocks. Feed the chickadees & squirrels out of their hands. They are truly happy. It's so simple.

Playing or just going to the park for a walk makes them happy. Letting them be kids, picking flowers, playing tag, chasing our dog, picking up shells along the ocean. Talking about the birds and ships that pass by.

Something so simple, something free, is so important and needed in my children's lives.

I'm going to make sure I get them outside, exploring as much as possible from now on!